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为了促进安全生产信息化平台在数据方面进行分析以及整合,基于区块链本身的匿名性、去中心化、安全性、开放性以及独立性等优势,提出将区块链技术应用于安全生产信息化建设,研究表明,区块链技术的应用将能够为企业针对生产安全状态进行有效监督提供最大的帮助,最大限度的实现资源共享,为企业监督、政府部门监管提供便利条件,各企业之间就安全问题进行交流沟通,安全评价服务机构针对各企业安全生产存在的问题提供更有针对性的服务,同时对于提升服务效率以及服务质量有着重要现实意义。  相似文献   
近年来,收入差距扩大与环境质量恶化成为许多国家同时面临的问题,也让一些经济学家开始思考,这两者之间是否存在关联。继20世纪90年代环境库兹涅茨曲线提出以来,一些研究发现不仅收入的绝对水平会对环境质量产生影响,收入差距对环境质量也有影响。本文对这一课题的理论研究进行了梳理,发现现有理论中收入差距对环境质量的影响途径主要有三条。第一条途径是消费者途径,即收入差距影响着以消费为主的个人经济行为,进一步影响着社会消费总量和消费结构,及其过程中产生的污染总量。第二条途径是企业途径,即认为收入差距的扩大会削弱环保型产品的正外部性,不利于环保技术的创新活动,对未来环境质量的改善产生动态影响。第三条途径是政府途径,即认为收入差距会影响相关的环境政策方式与强度选择;而且在不同的社会政策决策机制下,收入差距对环境政策的影响也是不同的,现有的社会决策机制分析框架主要有两种——权利权重型社会决策规则和简单多数规则。此外,本文还对现存的主要实证研究进行了总结,发现大多数研究结论都支持收入差距对环境质量存在着影响,但这种影响并不是线性的。一方面,收入差距对环境的影响与研究的污染物种类有关,大多数研究都显示,收入不平等对CO 2排放和土壤污染存在着负向影响,但有关收入差距对空气污染和水污染影响的研究结论并不统一或并不显著。另一方面,这种影响还与经济发展水平相关,在高收入国家与低收入国家是不同的,存在着阈值效应。最后本文总结了针对中国的研究现状,讨论了其在我国的适用性。  相似文献   
刘露奇 《环境与发展》2020,(1):120-120,122
目前国内能源结构仍以煤炭为主,大气污染非常的严重,尤其是酸雨和粉尘危害相对较大。在生态文明建设的时代背景下,我们应当加强锅炉脱硫以及除尘技术创新与改造,对燃煤烟尘以及二氧化硫等污染物的排放进行严格控制。本文先对锅炉烟气脱硫除尘现状进行了分析,并在此基础上就电厂锅炉如何进行烟气脱硫与除尘提出了一些观点与认识,以供参考。  相似文献   
China is the world's largest energy consumer, and coal accounts for a higher proportion of the country's total energy consumption, yet during its 12th five-year plan (2011–2015), the coal share among total energy consumption significantly decreased. Previous studies exploring energy performance typically used energy consumption as an input, but this lacks the analytical capacity for the structure of energy consumption. Thus, this study splits energy input into two different inputs, coal consumption and non-coal energy consumption, and based on their differences with other variables, uses the hybrid dynamic data envelopment analysis model to assess the energy performance of China's provincial industrial sector during the period 2011 to 2015. We then compare coal consumption's and non-coal consumption's rooms for improvement and conclude that provinces in eastern and central China should reduce the amount of coal consumption, thereby improving energy performance. Conversely, provinces in the western region should target a balance between energy utilization efficiency and coal consumption.  相似文献   
Recognizing that supervisor–subordinate dyads exist within a broader organizational hierarchy, we examine how the individual's role within the organizational hierarchy influences perceptions of abusive supervision. Specifically, we examine how supervisors' abusive behaviors are perceived by abusive supervisors' managers as well as abusive supervisors' subordinates. Drawing on role theory, we propose that these perceptions will differ. Further, we suggest that these differences will be reflected in different relationships between manager-rated abusive supervision and subordinate-rated abusive supervision and managers' evaluations of supervisor performance. Results from manager–supervisor–subordinate triads indicate differences between managers' and subordinates' view of abusive supervision. Further, managers' perceptions of abuse were related to supervisors' in-role performance, whereas subordinates' perceptions of abuse were related to workgroup performance. In Study 2, we replicate these findings and expand our investigation to an examination of supervisors' contextual performance. Additionally, we examine another contextual characteristic—aggressive climate—and demonstrate it influences how abusive supervision relates to managerial evaluations of supervisor performance. Future research and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   
Grassroots environmental movements have recently started to question the focus on sustainable consumption as a main strategy to tackle climate change. They prefer to address individuals as citizens rather than as consumers, and focus on collective rather than individual change. Two prominent movements in this regard are Transition Towns and Climate Justice Action. While both movements criticise conventional approaches, they put forward entirely different strategies for what has to happen instead. Based on extensive qualitative research, this article analyses how these movements manifest themselves in Flanders (Belgium). The focus is on their different accounts of how and why collective practices have to be built, and the place they attribute to ‘the political’ in this. The analysis reveals the existence of two different forms of ecological citizenship: one communitarian, the other agonistic.  相似文献   
Over the last 30 years, Spain has witnessed great economic growth. Nevertheless, in spite of an increasing degree of environmental concern, environmentally friendly attitudes and behaviours are still clearly below the European average. In this context, this paper analyses the impact of personal control and attitudes, and of certain socio-demographic, economic and political variables in the development of two environmentally friendly behaviours in Spain: consumption and purchase. The data were provided by a survey carried out in 2007 by the Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (Centre for Sociological Research) in Spain. The results show the importance of personal control, level of environmental information, political ideology, age and educational level variables to explaining the development of pro-environmental-related consumption behaviours. Personal attitudes, work situation, female gender and level of environmental information influence pro-environmental purchase behaviour in a positive way. Taking into account that personal attitudes are more determining of pro-environmental purchase than consumption behaviour, policy measures such as informal education, tax measures, social and individual norms and interpersonal and institutional trust are discussed to increase the development of pro-environmental behaviours in Spain.  相似文献   
“结构—行为—绩效”框架下农地整理的管护绩效研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析农地整理建后管护基本内涵的基础上开发了农民满意度绩效量表,引入新制度经济学领域"结构—行为—绩效"(SCP)范式,构建农地整理建后管护的"组织结构—管护行为—管护绩效"的分析框架。以湖北省赤壁市黄盖湖农场和嘉鱼县潘家湾镇为研究区域开展实证研究,通过比率标度法和熵权法生成绩效测度的组合权重并得到满意度绩效,运用调查数据检验建后管护的组织结构和管护行为对管护绩效的影响机理,分析组织结构的工作职能、成长机制以及管护行为中的集体行为和个体行为的影响程度。研究结果显示:受访农民对农地整理的管护绩效评价接近于"一般",企业管护模式下黄盖湖农场和集体管护模式下潘家湾镇的管护绩效存在显著的地区差异;表征管护组织持续发展状态、内部结构完善程度的组织结构类变量以及表征管护资金投入、受益农民群体参与程度的管护行为类变量是显著影响管护绩效的解释变量;黄盖湖农场企业化经营的组织结构、潘家湾镇的综合治理改革以及受到县级财政专项支持等外部要素是造成农地整理管护绩效差异的主要原因。研究结论验证了农地整理建后管护SCP分析框架的有效性,为提升农地整理管护绩效提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
随着居民生活水平的不断提高,其家庭消费支出模式也会发生变化,由此将引发与家庭部门相关的能源消耗及碳排放等变化.选取上海为案例区,开展基于居民家庭消费支出变化对区域低碳发展影响的预测研究,采用可计算的一般均衡模型(CGE)预测分析了2020年上海的居民消费支出,并量化了由此引发的工业产出、贸易以及就业形势的变化,并着重分析了与之相应的能源消耗和碳排放的变化,旨在厘清收入增加与居民消费模式变化的关系,居民消费模式变化与能源消耗和碳排放变化的关系.同时,设置了高、低碳情景,进一步剖析了居民消费支出对区域发展的影响.此外,还进一步模拟了上海市居民消费支出变化对中国其它地区的消费支出的变化的影响,并进一步剖析了在这种变化影响下的其它地区的工业产出、贸易、就业形势、能源消耗以及碳排放的变化.研究结果表明,随着收入水平的提升及消费模式的转变,2020年上海的总消费支出比2007年拟增长1.81倍,其中增长最快的消费支出项目是交通运输及通信业;由于消费支出模式的转变,工业产出、就业、贸易量、能源消耗以及碳排放也呈增长的态势,分别较2007年增长1.83倍、0.17倍、2.03倍、2.63倍以及2.71倍.在有碳约束的情况下,低碳情景较之高碳情景会减少0 14%的GDP损失.同时低碳情景下将节省7.5×107t标准煤,减少38%的碳排放量.中国其它地区由于居民家庭消费模式的转变所引起的各类指标的变化趋势与上海趋同.通过研究结果可以得出,为了实现上海市未来区域的低碳发展,引导居民向低碳生活模式发展十分必要,政府应着重从居民绿色出行和绿色消费两方面进行倡导.  相似文献   
The power-voltage (P-V) characteristic curves of a PV array are nonlinear and have multiple peaks under partially shaded conditions (PSCs). This paper proposes a novel maximum power point tracking (MPPT) method for a PV system with reduced steady-state oscillation based on a two-stage particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The grouping method of the shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA) is incorporated in the basic PSO algorithm (PSO-SFLA), ensuring fast and accurate searching of the global extremum. An adaptive speed factor is also introduced into the improved PSO to further enhance its convergence speed. Test results show that the proposed method converges in less than half the time taken by the conventional PSO method, and the power is improved by 33% under the worst PSCs, which confirms the superiority of the proposed method over the standard PSO algorithm in terms of tracking speed and steady-state oscillations under different PSCs.  相似文献   
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